I want to do this one all over again. Not just for another experience shooting with Bari, but because I learned a lot that day and through the editing process. I’d been enamored with Bari since we first met online (I honestly don’t remember how… I think it was an app or something? Raya?) Who the hell knows how you meet anyone these days?! We’d had a long FaceTime call and I just remember thinking that this was someone I wanted to know better. She is so kind and positive minded. She is extremely giving of encouragement & support… and we hadn’t even met yet!
Over the course of, I don’t know how long, we kept in touch, talked about whatever, and I began to see what an incredible artist Bari was. Seriously… you should check out her work. She has a vibe, and it’s really good. I have no idea what good art is (I barely call what I do art. It sounds so fucking pretentious.) but when I look at Bari’s work, I can tell it’s made with talent, passion, attention to detail, and love.
Back to the shoot…. I think I was just a little too gaga that day and not really focusing on getting it right. Sometimes, when doing creative work, you’re too in the moment, and forget to make sure all the t’s have been crossed and i’s dotted. I look at a lot of the images we shot, and just know I could do better and that Bari deserves better. Also, when two confident creative forces come together, it can take time to settle in to a rhythm, and I think we were just a little short of that perfect synergistic moment. I guess that just means we’ve gotta do it again!
Regardless, there’s some truly incredible stuff in here, and I’m happy to be sharing it with you all.
(click images to enlarge)